19 ans ✝ américaine ✝ célibataire ✝ serveuse dans un café
lien recherché ♀♂ - Lana est une personne solitaire qui aime le calme et la tranquillité alors gare à vous si vous venez perturber sa méditation. Elle est cependant très joueuse et pourrait se permettre de faire tourner en bourrique l'individu se trouvant dans sa ligne de mire. Sa vitesse étant incroyable, vous aurez bien du mal à la rattraper si vous décider de la pourchasser.... Mais bon, à vous de choisir, c'est votre décision après tout! D'humeur calme et patiente, si jamais vous avez besoin d'un petit coup de main, peut-être daignera-t-elle s'intéresser à votre cas. Néanmoins, prenez garde: à la moindre lassitude de sa part, elle vous laissera tomber sans le moindre scrupule. ☑☒
Black Panther
Dernière édition par Lana Fox le Lun 24 Aoû 2015 - 18:33, édité 1 fois
Lana Fox Brosse à dents noyée
Présages :
Race :
Métier :
Serveuse dans un café.
Nationalité :
Inventaire :
Une montre à gousset et des lunettes de soleil.
Réputation :
30 points.
Interne depuis le :
Sujet: Re: Les liens d'une panthère. Sam 15 Aoû 2015 - 15:29
Marisa Casarotti
type du lien ✤ Alors que Lana pensait s'être éloignée du pensionnat, la Casarotti (sa directrice) refit surface dans le café où la jeune hybride travaille en tant que serveuse. Toujours aussi froide, la signora ne semble pas reconnaitre la jeune femme qui faisait pourtant parti de son internat. Accompagnée d'un homme fort étrange et vaguement familier à la jeune hybride, la directrice semble préparer quelque chose de louche... Leur conversation est très animée, ce qui ne manque pas de surprendre Lana: les deux comparses ne semblent pas s'apprécier... Que peuvent-t-ils bien préparer ?
nom du personnage.
type du lien ✤ Bagheera walked into the bar and poured himself a drink His fur was stained with the blood of monkeys and he needed time to think The man at the bar said, "What are you doing here?" Bagheera let go a low soft purr that kept the man from coming near He said "I'm Bagheera, the mighty panther and the jungle is my home I'm free, free in all I see and that makes me free to roam" Sometimes to feel the music of the jungle it can cause you pain And the man heard Bagheera as the entire jungle joined in the big black cat's refrain
One dark night the man-cub came to the big black cat afraid The boy cried, "Teacher, teacher I don't, understand this ache within me" The great cat sighed and (then softly he began) He said, "Indeed thou art a man's child now and the world is yours to give and take The time has come now for your awareness to change forever and there's a choice for you to make You may remain here in the jungle and hunt with the free people Or if you feel the man's God calling you return to your kind in the village and worship at his steeple The only thing you must do is what you feel in your heart is true I will hunt now and leave you on your own to decide what to do" The mighty panther went on his hunt Secret Lord of the jungle beneath the night sky And some say if you could have seen him then you'd have noticed a single tear fall from his majestic eye
nom du personnage.
type du lien ✤ Bagheera walked into the bar and poured himself a drink His fur was stained with the blood of monkeys and he needed time to think The man at the bar said, "What are you doing here?" Bagheera let go a low soft purr that kept the man from coming near He said "I'm Bagheera, the mighty panther and the jungle is my home I'm free, free in all I see and that makes me free to roam" Sometimes to feel the music of the jungle it can cause you pain And the man heard Bagheera as the entire jungle joined in the big black cat's refrain
One dark night the man-cub came to the big black cat afraid The boy cried, "Teacher, teacher I don't, understand this ache within me" The great cat sighed and (then softly he began) He said, "Indeed thou art a man's child now and the world is yours to give and take The time has come now for your awareness to change forever and there's a choice for you to make You may remain here in the jungle and hunt with the free people Or if you feel the man's God calling you return to your kind in the village and worship at his steeple The only thing you must do is what you feel in your heart is true I will hunt now and leave you on your own to decide what to do" The mighty panther went on his hunt Secret Lord of the jungle beneath the night sky And some say if you could have seen him then you'd have noticed a single tear fall from his majestic eye
nom du personnage.
type du lien ✤ Bagheera walked into the bar and poured himself a drink His fur was stained with the blood of monkeys and he needed time to think The man at the bar said, "What are you doing here?" Bagheera let go a low soft purr that kept the man from coming near He said "I'm Bagheera, the mighty panther and the jungle is my home I'm free, free in all I see and that makes me free to roam" Sometimes to feel the music of the jungle it can cause you pain And the man heard Bagheera as the entire jungle joined in the big black cat's refrain
One dark night the man-cub came to the big black cat afraid The boy cried, "Teacher, teacher I don't, understand this ache within me" The great cat sighed and (then softly he began) He said, "Indeed thou art a man's child now and the world is yours to give and take The time has come now for your awareness to change forever and there's a choice for you to make You may remain here in the jungle and hunt with the free people Or if you feel the man's God calling you return to your kind in the village and worship at his steeple The only thing you must do is what you feel in your heart is true I will hunt now and leave you on your own to decide what to do" The mighty panther went on his hunt Secret Lord of the jungle beneath the night sky And some say if you could have seen him then you'd have noticed a single tear fall from his majestic eye
Dernière édition par Lana Fox le Lun 26 Oct 2015 - 13:59, édité 1 fois
Adrian Ivashkov
Présages :
Race :
Hybride (aigle royal).
Métier :
Dessinateur à ses heures perdues.
Nationalité :
Inventaire :
Un calepin où se nichent plusieurs crayons de bois pour réaliser ses esquisses.
Réputation :
12 points.
Interne depuis le :
Sujet: Re: Les liens d'une panthère. Mer 19 Aoû 2015 - 2:16
Coucou !
Je poste ici puisque Lana n'a pas encore son topic dans les Demandes de Rps. Je me disais qu'on pourrait concocter un Rp commun puisque nous sommes tous les deux hybrides. Après, je doute que notre relation chat/oiseau se passe en bonne et due forme, je verrais bien quelques chamailleries ça et là... Un coup de patte par ci, une aile dans l'oeil par là. xD
Lioma Hearts Poil de carotte
Présages :
Race :
Métier :
Nationalité :
Inventaire :
Un petit couteau, des plantes médicinales.
Réputation :
47 points.
Interne depuis le :
Sujet: Re: Les liens d'une panthère. Lun 24 Aoû 2015 - 12:26
Et bien c'est une excellente idée!! ^^ Je ferai les demandes prochainement je pense o/